The textile district is in difficulty

Facing the situation is no small feat for anyone. In our own small way, we at Fil-3 are preparing for a desirable and rapid restart of the Pronto Moda of yarns and fabrics, continuing to maintain [...]

Early reopening!

Fil-3 reopens its doors! We have resumed the production and delivery activities of the yarns, in reference to the regional and national export and perishable regulations, naturally following the [...]

Happy Easter!

Far but close, tied by a thin thread that unites us. In such a delicate moment, we wish you all the best wishes for a Happy Easter. Fil-3 staff


We inform you that, following the last DPCM, Fil-3 will be OPEN and ACTIVE until TOMORROW evening, Tuesday 24 March. Starting from Wednesday 25 March, in compliance with the new ministerial [...]

Possible variation of delivery times

  We inform you that due to the impossibility of fully respecting the preventive safety measures imposed by the last Ministerial Decree, already on Wednesday some companies suitable for [...]