Some Products are still ageless.
FIL-3 took part in FILO last week.
Of both lines presented, the “Best sellers“, composed by our timeless classics, has been an ever green purchase for our customers!
But also the new Classics had success: our new “Shepherd” has been loved by visitors!
The most striking examples are the choices made by our buyers, the “Jarrati effects and Malfilèè” and Tweed yarns, always an irreplaceable Pride Reason among our productions.
During exposure, the most requested products were two of our best yarns: first, Tris with Jarre, flanked to Cardiff with buttons; second, the NEW Shepherd Article, suitable to provide the pastor cloth, near the Wool Algarve Bouclerino.
A big Thanks goes to those who supported us, and continues to do so, and an even more important THANK YOU goes to our Staff, immense and indispensable.