A concrete commitment, respected by (almost) everyone

As is well known, Fil-3 immediately sought and signed its “ethical commitment to the subsistence of the Prato district” by signing the Letter of Intent born thanks to the cooperation of several entrepreneurs.

The commitment, signed by many, must concern not only the individual, but all those who are part of the district’s production chain.
The petitioner, we remind him, undertakes:

  1. “To keep the flow of payments unchanged to all suppliers and workers, especially to those who belong to the district.”
  2.  and NOT “to use arguments of a commercial […], legal […] nature or other reasons to delay and therefore postpone the correct flow of payments in the face of pre-existing commitments”.

In such a delicate phase, in which the work ethic risks being trampled on, it is more than necessary to avoid creating problems in the production processes.

We therefore reiterate our commitment, and we ask anyone who does not do as much as he has increased, not to destroy that production chain that we are trying to keep alive and proactive with so much effort.